

Our trusted partner is: An international company with a strong presence across Europe and the US, specializing in delivering next-generation Digital...


Our client is: A leading Bulgarian company part of a huge and well-established holding. We are helping them to recruit an ambitious and motivated...


We are: Bulwork is the first IT recruitment agency in Bulgaria, with 24 years of stable presence in the market. The company has established a...

Специалист “ОЦЕНКА НА РИСКА”

Ние сме: Bulwork - първата агенция за подбор на специалисти в областта на Информационни технологии, Телекомуникации, Банково дело и финанси в...

PHP DEVELOPER (Fully Remote)

Our client is: Global IT Services and Software Development Provider specialized in delivering bespoke end-to-end enterprise solutions. They have more...

Web (WordPress) Software Developer

Our client is: An innovative start-up that offers software development and web support of personalized websites and end-to-end digital solutions that...

ServiceNow Consultant

Who is our partner? An innovative international company that offers engineering services and digital solutions to its clients globally within the...

Junior IT Support Specialist

Who is our partner? A stable international company that was awarded for its innovative work methods and for the quality of the services it offers. A...

Lead Generation Expert - Commodity Sector

Who is our partner? Innovative Bulgarian startup with inspiring engineering solutions that bring added value to the Commodity sector (Gas,...

Специалист обработка и анализ на данни

Ние сме: Bulwork е първата агенция за подбор на ИТ и технически персонал в България, с 24 години опит на пазара. Благодарение на висококвалифицирания...
